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Need a little help with a Conjure Spell...


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I'm trying to make a "Summon Succubus" spell (unique, right?). At the moment, it mimics the conjure flame atronach spell structure, effect etc...


My spell works, but two questions:


1) She moans like a thrawl. I altered her "dialogue" but may have missed one, and now she moans a bit less. Is there anything else i should know concerning what noise she makes.


2) I would like to go further and make this mod unique. I was thinking about summoning one of a possible 10 different succubi. Basically each time you cast it you'd get a different character. How would i go about doing this? And would it be possible to have a small chance to summon two or three together with one casting?

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1st question: I can't answer because I don't know where to start :).

2nd question: Yes, basically, you would make a leveled actor with template data using the level list containing the 10 succubi (level list can also be used for generating random actors), the summoning effect would use that leveled actor instead of directly use any of the 10 succubi. To summon more than one with one cast, duplicate the original effect and add condition GetRandomPercent. The effect in the spell would look like this: (Effect1, Effect2) for 2, (Effect1, Effect2, Effect2) for 3, and so on. You may also want to create a perk which allow summoning multiple creatures with this spell and add it through Equip Ability of the spell effect so that whenever you equip the spell, the spell can create more than one creatures.

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I made some conjuring spells, and they worked pretty well. I used as a template that Dark Brotherhood spell to summon Lucien. Open the magic effect for that spell and change Assoc. Item 1 from DBSpectralAssassin to your NPC (it needs to be set as a summonable NPC, of course). Then hit ok and save the changes. You spell should work now, and your follower shouldn't moan anymore.


If this doesn't work, check the factions and scripts you've added to your NPC. It should have no factions and no scripts (or a ghost script) to be a regular summonable follower.

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Nova: I got everything for question 2 working, and even figured on a few new features! Thanks immensly.


thaalesalves: i tried this, but it didn't work, unfortunately. It just changes the particle for the summon. I appreciate the input, though!


I'm probably going to have to program custom dialogue to avoid the "uhhh..." they keep muttering. Or as a last resort, remove all "CommamdedGroanInfo" sounds (i did get them to shut up, but it affects all commanded by doing this.)

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