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Help Me Mod an Easy Game For My Unwell Mother in Law Please


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Hello...My Mother in Law has become bed ridden due to serious surgery and she is expected to be laid up for many weeks to come...she likes playing with Computers and loves exploration and thus my Partner has come to me with an idea.


He has been watching me play Skyrim and has been impressed with the Graphics and the open world Sand Box lay out and it has occurred to him his Mother would love to explore a world like Skyrim while she is so bed ridden....But the point is his Mother has never played a combat game and he feels she would rather be able to explore the world with as little and as easy as possible combat as would be possible....just allowing her to explore the world with a little in game danger as possible.


I personally love an extremely difficult and challenging game and so have no back ground or knowledge of the kinds of Mods I am trying to find for his Mother....Does anyone know of any that would help please?


I already have the Animal and Spriggan Pacifist Mods for her....I do happen to use those in my game....They create and alliance with Spriggans and vastly decrease Predator aggro radius....but I am looking for Mods that effect Humanoid, NPC's etc...for her also. Any help would be greatly appreciated...Thank you.... :happy:


We are thinking about giving her Vilja as a follower, for an interactive experience and I would like to also remove Frostbite Spiders and Chaurus from her game if possible.

Edited by StayFrosty05
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Hmm. Well, I'll try to do my best but I don't think Skyrim is the game for her. Yes, it's a huge open world game, but it's also meant for combat. You cannot go explore a fort without running into a bandit mob or a group of necromancers. You can't enter a Dwarven ruin without expecting Dwemer Creations and a bunch of Falmer and Charus. If you want to remove Frostbite Spiders and Charus, I have only heard of REPLACERS for them. Basically, for the Frostbite spiders there is a mod which replaces all of them with an 8 legged version of Spiderman, which adds a sense of humor although it breaks immersion. As for Chaurus, I have yet to hear of a replacer/remover for them. Your best bet is for your friend's mother to avoid Dwarven ruins, which is where they usually lurk. I have yet to see one in the wild without mods that enhance nature. Also, if she isn't fond of Dragons, I think there is a mod that allows you to completely ignore the main quest and just adventure.Not sure if it completely prevents dragon spawns though. Then there's "Alternate Start:Live Another Life" which would allow your friend's mother to skip the intro with the Alduin and the execution, and pick how she would like to start her new life. In all honesty, I have no clue how to make the game have less combat. I'd try searching the Nexus and maybe you'll find some stuff. I just listed off the top of my head what I think could potentially at least lower the chance of gore/monsters. Also, if your friend's mother does manage to stumble upon combat(which she definetly will) there is a mod that allows you to turn off kill moves, so that it won't be as bloody. Sorry I couldn't help that much, but hopefully you find something good for her. :biggrin:

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