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Hello my fellow Dovahkiins! I have a not-so-noob-or-maybe question

I presume many of you know that in patch 1.9 there's a legendary difficulty setting, and you can reset your skills and redistribute your perks

So I was wondering if its possible to play all three paths (heavy one-handed+shield+archery warrior, light armored assassin/thief, pure mage) during the 8 big story lines

I'm listing the story lines I will complete in order:

1. Companions: Heavy Armor, One Handed, Block, Archery

2. Main story: same as companions + Destruction

3. Dawnguard: Same as main story + restoration (destruction too btw)

4. Dark Brotherhood: Light Armor, One-handed, Sneak, Archery

5. Thieves Guild: same as dark brotherhood

6. Civil War: Light Armor, One-handed, Block, Archery

7. College of Winterhold: ALL schools of magic

8. Dragonborn: ALL schools of magic

PS: The three productive skills (enchanting, smithing, alchemy) will be used at all times except maybe smithing during 7 and 8 where i plan to play fully as a mage.

I just wanted to play as a heavy warrior during Dawnguard creating magic circles of destruction and restoration around me and picking off vampires with my crossbow. Finish the civil war wearing the guard armors of each hold cz they look so cool and finally finishing the game with magic against the dragon priests and miraak in style :)

I play on pc. Feel free to recommend me any mods and difficulty setting. I heard master difficulty unbalances the game because offensive skills exceed defensive skills by far. so is expert difficulty alright for me?

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