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Game won't work properly when installing -any- mod


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It appears that when I install any mod at all (I found this out by trial) my character is stuck in a running animation loop when loading a game. I can't look around, move, or interact with anything. The intro sequence is bugged as well when I start a new game, I am simply stuck inside the carriage, plus the gate doors in that sequence won't open either. It's like most scripts aren't working.

I tried uninstalling each and every single mod, which makes the game work, but as soon as I install any type of mod it just screws with the game. It seems it doesn't matter what kind of mod even, whether they're texture mods, use body meshes, are quest related, interface, etc. Any single mod seems to cause this issue for me.


I'll post any specs/details requested, but for now I'm wondering there are anyone else with this issue.

Edited by TheAlphamale87
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I haven't heard of this but that doesn't mean anything :)

What version of Skyrim are you running? Are you up to date with Steam? Do you have any DLC? What is your install path for Skyrim? This information may be helpful for others to assist you. Thanks!

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I'm running the steam version, I just recently bought and downloaded it so I guess it's the newest. I run all the DLC's, Hearthfire, Dragonborn and Dawnguard. The path is the default> D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim.


I'm about head off for an hour or two, and I can't think of anything else at the moment.


it seems rather strange though, like the game physics aren't working like they should. I read about the intro sequence issue earlier on another forum, it was also reported on a console version of the game, strangely enough. It's like installing a mod produces an issue which, for some at least, is in the vanilla game.

Edited by TheAlphamale87
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