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Weather sounds inside buildings?


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any mods that change window lighting according to what weather is outside, and also add the weather sounds (muffled of course) into interiors?


seems RLO has a lighting version but nothing for the sounds. CoT has a huge sound addon, but astoundingly enough, it doesn't address weather sounds inside lol. can't figure that one.

ELFX i use, and it changes window lighting but it's more time of day oriented. so any mods for the whole interior weather experience?!

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ah, so Sounds o skyrim is buggy w/ COT? bummer. well there;s this other weather mod i was thinkin of trying...


i'm actually ok w/ vanilla weather except for the abrupt transitions. but i was told the sudden transitions when changing cells can't be helped by any mod, not even Climates.


i am using RCRN BETA right now but i'm getting no weather sounds or light changes indoors! any advice?

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You might have to wait a bit for the changes to be noticeable like some other mods. If it doesn't fix itself it'd be best to post on the mod page, the mod authors are almost always around to answer questions and help you troubleshoot and they're really nice.

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RCRNv36 has that feature, but needs an update urgently. The weather sounds for indoors actually worked for me only in a few Skyrim.esm loactions (Breezehome, Blue Palace) and even there you sometimes hear weather sounds inside, but outside the weather is clear sky :-)

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I use CoT with SoS, and I don't really have any glitches whatsoever. I even use Sound Propagation overhaul as well. I do not see anything on either of these mods saying they can't be used together, I honestly wonder where you got that.... ? Especially considering that SoS has patches specifically for CoT. :blink: It works absolutely perfect for me, no matter the weather, and no matter what cell I enter. I can even wait for the rain sounds to stop inside, and then I go outside and it's stopped raining. Very handy for trying to stay out of the rain for Frostfall. I can't say for sure if it still works with mod-added buildings, just because I never have and probably never will use mods that just add buildings, I focus on game play and visual mods.


From my experience RCRN can be very glitchy, I personally would go without a lighting/weather mod before using it again. I have installed it on two separate occasions, and it always creates really weird glitches that are usually nothing short of totally game breaking.(for example, everything in the world being dark as if it's night time, yet the sky still being the normal bright day time sky) I honestly don't get why people use that mod, CoT is all around better and less glitchy (at least the most up-to-date version), and when combined with a proper ENB looks much more aesthetically pleasing. But, that's just my personal opinion.


I would like to point out though, that I always install ALL my mods at once, and THEN start a character; installing a mod part way through a character is a good way to get them to mess up, and often people who don't know very much about modding mistake this for 'incompatibility' when it's not really incompatible with the mod itself, but simply not installed in the right order to that mod. Load Order isn't the only thing you need to worry about when getting mods to work right! ^_^ I learned this when I was trying to get FNIS and PCEA to work together, if you install FNIS first, then PCEA, it creates crashes and other general chaos, but if you install PCEA first, then FNIS, it works perfect! (just using this as an example)

Edited by ArtMurder
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