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How to create BSA files?

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Alright so the number of active plugins i have enabled in NMM is currently 140. this is alot, and as a result i have been experiencing the bug/glitch in Fallout New Vegas where random meshes/textures from mods go missing, after everytime i go to a new cell, such as going through a door, or fast traveling. I also get alot of red exclamation marks and purple faces on my custom followers. That being said, what are the necessary steps i would need to take with the BSA Manager in FOMM to reduce t he amount of plugins in NMM?

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Creating a BSA file will serve no purpose in this case. Actually, it will only aggravate the problem.

Your best option is to reduce your total file count, either by creating merged patches or by disabling mods you could do without.

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