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Multiple head gear mod help


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I'm making a mod that allows you to wear multiple head gear, such as a circlet and a helmet, I've made the mod and it works, but only only the first time you load up your save.

For example, I've loaded the mod into Skyrim. I load my save and equip a circlet with my helmet, it works as expected, but now if I unequip either the circlet or helmet and reequip them, it no longer works, I equip the circlet and it unequips the helmet.



All I did was change the biped objects for the helmet so it only selects the '31 - Hair' option, and the circlet so that only had the '42 - Circlet' option selected.

I've been searching around for a way to fix it so the effect is permanent, instead of only working the first time on the save, all I have found is that I might have to edit each .nif file of the item, but I can't find any information about the biped object inside the .nif using NifSkope.



So now I'm stuck and hope someone in the Nexus Forums can help!

Thanks in advance :)



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In NifSkope highlight the BSDismemberSkinInstnace entry of the NiTriShape of the object in question.

In the Block Details window fully expand the Partitions entry.

You should see entries for Part Flag and Body Part.

Body Part is what you need to change.

There are predefined values (i.e. SBP_XX), but you can just enter the numerical value as well.


This value needs to match what you are using for that object in the Creation Kit. You can use more than one entry in the CK, but only one on the NIF file. Therefore use the most important number on the nif file.

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Thanks for the reply, I can't find the BSDismemberSkinInstance in the nif file. I'm looking in the Stahlrim Heavy Helmet nif file. I'll try using a different helmet.


EDIT: I have found there are multiple .nif files for the same helmet, I just opened the file called helmet.nif and that seemed to be the right one with the BSDismemberSkinInstance. Thanks for the help

Edited by DaedalusKimahri
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