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Editing NPC Meshes?


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Hi all, new to the forums but no stranger to the Nexus and was wondering if I could get some help on something.

Thanks to all the brilliant work that gets put on the Nexus and some Inspirational words, I've decided to crack open the CK and get to work on my own mod.

I won't go into specifics, but I aim to edit an existing NPC mesh (already exported) and then import it back into the CK to be used for an NPC/Follower, the trouble is,
I've found plentiful amount of tutorials on Weapon and Armour editing/importing but nothing specifically on Character editing.

Thanks, and very much appreciated!



(I apologise if this is in the wrong section!)


-EDIT- Or if anyone is willing to lend a hand, no matter how small, feel free to message me! I will give you the details if you so wish.

Edited by JC12
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I guess I should clarify, I have searched on the topic quite extensively but keep coming up short apart from one thread that I was pointed to (thanks vinniewryan) but it's not the most coherent or descriptive.

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If it's just editing an existing NPC, when you'd just need to duplicate a random one and make changes to the duplicate you just created in the "character gen parts" tab and the one next to it (I don't remember the name now, but it started with "character" too). Here's some more info.

Edited by Jokerine
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