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Weapon Enchantment Texture and Animation mod


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Currently, there are only a few weapon enchantment mods, and none of them really do what I'm looking for. Enchantments Upgraded, by Aetherius, handles shock enchantments fairly well in my opinion. The rest of the enchantments are, unfortunately, sub-par.


I hate to admit it, but wow's weapon enchantment graphics are superior to all the vanilla enchantments, and most of the modified enchantments. The dichatomy between skyrim's graphics and skyrim's enchantment graphics is painful.So, I'm hoping someone can take the time to modify weapon enchantment textures and animations properly! Weapons with a fire enchant should be engulfed in flame, not orange smoke. shock effects should leave the weapon sparking. Frost could perhaps apply an ice shader to the weapon. Absorb health could be handled with a shadow effect, or with the weapon dripping blood. Perhaps the effects should only show up while you're striking an enemy, or during combat?


The most popular enchantment texture mod, at the moment, is the one providing a "no effect" option. That sends a clear message, if I ever saw one. This game needs some proper enchant effects!

Edited by Nudedragon
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It's not, but thanks for the link anyway! That mod improves the vanilla shaders, but the vanilla shaders aren't even worth improving on. If any shader is to be used, it needs to be the kind of quality found in "Moss Rocks" or "Undead - FX." Fire, in particular, should include three dimensions.

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