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Not exactly a request... Caliente


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I love what Caliente has done with the armor mod that makes vanilla and dragonborn armors fit the cbbe body. I would like to build on his work by changing a few things on all the armors. The only problem is im not entirely how to do this. Im wanting to make a tasteful yet still lore friendly armor set that doesnt follow the several mods out there where someone thinks all a woman wears as armor is thongs... Im hoping to creat somthing like the skimpy armor mods out there but thats actually tasteful yet still elegant. I ask if caliente and others can give me some tips/tutorials on how to accomplish this. If its simply modifying the mods created by caliente how would i go about doing this.

One thing that may help is im not wanting to add to the mods but rather simply remove pieces of it.

Thanks for any help in advance. wouldnt ask but there seems to be many methods out here and i do currently have the python, blender, and nifskope setup alread.

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I ask if caliente and others can give me some tips/tutorials on how to accomplish this. If its simply modifying the mods created by caliente how would i go about doing this.

You kinda hit the nail on the head almost in your block of text. If you want to edit someone's mod the 1st step is getting their permission. I can't speak for Caliente, but most modders I know don't really care if you edit their work for personal use, they usually want some recognition though if you're planning on releasing anything that involved their work.


Its always a tactful to try and ask the original author for permission, and honestly they are usually a pretty good resource when you encounter errors as they generally know what they did.


Best of luck on accomplishing your idea.

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I think the OP is stumbling over his own words a little bit here. From what i gathered, this is about armours, correct? OP is interested in CBBE-ifying armours that haven't been modified, be it vanilla armours or mods.


When it comes to modifying armours to fit/reveal the CBBE body, there's no permission needed from the author (Caliente), since you're not modifying her files, but rather other files to fit hers.


What you have to think about, mainly (with everything that has to do with mods), is WHAT EXACTLY AM I USING? It's not prohibited to base your work around someone else's as long as you make it yourself (e.g. Caliente built a castle, and you built a wall around it, enhancing her work but not touching or modifying the original structure, this still makes the wall yours and yours only).


NOW; IF we're talking armours here, if you're editing vanilla armours to fit/reveal the CBBE body, you're free to use Bethesda's original files as long as you've purchased the game. IF however you're looking into editing ANY other author's files (e.g. Immersive Armors), you need to have the author's consent before releasing/modifying anything (permissions vary among authors, best bet is to check "Credits and Permissions" tab on the file's Nexus page, alternatively PM the author if requested).


When it comes to tools, I'm no expert, but there's a heap of tutorials everywhere around the Nexus and other forums alike on how to go about it.


I'll point you in a direction though: roughly what you'll need:

  • .bsa extracting program (FOMM, BSAopt)
  • NifSkope
  • A 3D Model editing program (Blender is a free software)

I hope this helps, but as a friendly nudge, I promise you if you don't know anything about 3D you're probably going to have a pretty rough time.

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Well i think i may not have been clear enough in my original post. Caliente brought out a mod that already fits the vanilla armors to the CBBE body i.e. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12273/? what im wanting is to modify the meshes to those armors by simply removing pieces as other mods have done a good example of what i mean by removing pieces can be found in this mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13004/?


So in essence i would be starting out with caliente's armor mod that fits the cbbe body already. I simply want to remove areas or pieces of those armors like seen in the second mod linked but not to the same extent as said in original post im wanting to make these armors skimpier but not as skimpy as that second mod which makes a lot of the armors bottoms thongs. So tasteful but skimpy armor mod using calientes mod but simpy removing parts of the armor. I hope this helps. Also i went from knowing nothing about programming to knowing php and javascript. It all depends on your recources. I was lucky and have a friend thats a retired programmer that teaches me anything i need to know about it. Hes just never created mods only used them so im looking out to the forum for help. I grasp things fairly easily though and im constantly learning new things. I have plenty of ideas just need the know how. so if anyone knows how to do the exact thing im wanting to do it would be appreciated. To the second poster thanks for the info i actually have blender and nifskope and i have FOMM. Im also familiar with bethesdas construction kit to an extent. If i have problems like in oblivion where eyes would be wierd i know enough to fix those issues.

Edited by whitetiger2695
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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand getting permission but thats for if im releasing the edits. Im doing this purely for myself i dont need microsofts permission to change my pc the same should apply here. Im not taking anything and putting out as mine im doing this strictly for myself. If i planned on releasing my edits i would ask for the permissions but i dont plan on doing that because im new to modding so it may be a very long time before i decide to make and release mods. Im using already created mods and editing them to understand how it is all done. Secondly you need to read the original post and other posters before saying the same stuff over and over again when it doesn't apply here.

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Whoa, calm down tiger. As far as I know, if you're making changes just for yourself, then it should be fine indeed. No need to get bristly...

yeah my bad i shouldn't get angry about things like that. However yes i am doing this only for myself for now because im trying to get the understanding and concepts of modding down before i attempt creating a mod from scratch. I find it easier to understand things from a blueprint and pretty much every working mod out there is a blueprint just Caliente has the best armor mods IMO that is lol. So i figured it would be easy enough to attempt with the caliente mods because they arent as complex looking as others ive seen. Once i get these parts down that im asking about ill be looking around for how to apply skeletons etc. I have many ideas for armors that will actually be lore friendly. ive done a lot of research to get my ideas but i have to start somewhere and im sure most of the modders out there understand that.


once i get the understanding of things down i will most likely ask for the permissions needed but ill need help in that area as well since im not sure how to contact the authors of a mod. Im still fairly new to the forum.

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Thanks i appreciate it. btw jokerine do you know anything about modding? i have another topic that im currently working on and its simply coloring a texture to another existing mod here:



Basically somewhere i fudged up and im not sure what i did wrong lol

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