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Take 2: Fallout3 launching incorrectly


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I've been playing Fallout 3 for a long while now. But recently, after I installed the MMM (Located at http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3211 ,) the fallout3.exe decides to not run the game, but instead launch the launcher. So when I try to run the launcher, and start the game, it opens the launcher again. I tried renaming fallout3.exe to the name of the launcher, however that just causes a loop of it restarting every second.

Is this a known bug, or am I all alone here?

And is there a possible way to fix it? D:


(Sorry about the wrong forum thing.)

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I haven't been able to replicate your problem but I did notice in FOMM that all the MMM esm/esps were before Fallout3.esm, (per the readme I moved them to the last) & I wonder if that "confused" (for lack of a better word) Fallout3 though deleting the mod should've cleared that up, very odd problem
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Update: I found out that it wasn't MMM specifically. I tried a copy of it that I had in my main drive, it doesn't have half of the mods I do now, but it still doesn't work. Apparently something in my computer decided to break it. But I can't think of what it would be. Has anyone else even had this problem before?
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  • 4 years later...

did you ever find the solution to this problem? I just got a new laptop and installed it, everything seemed to go fine on install, and then when I launch the game, I hit play, and I end up at the launcher screen again, and this just goes on forever. The disc spins up and everything, as if the game were about to start, and then it just opens the launcher. I am running windows 8, and at first i thought that may be the problem, but then I saw that people were running it on windows 8 fine. So I am very confused. I am going to try a fresh install tonight. I actually restored my laptop to factory, so it will be a completely fresh install. I'm just really hoping that works. Let me know if you ever fixed this. I know this is a very old thread but I am just really looking for the answer.

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