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Help with simple mod


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I'm an old Skyrim player, but I have no idea how to mod, so I'm here looking for help :smile: I see a mod (this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11503//?), and I'm interested in one thing:

In this mod, the author says that, if you are a vampire/werewolf, feeding as a werewolf count as feeding as a vampire. He says that he did this "via quest alias and an OnMagicEffectApply() event on the player", and I am really interested on this. Unfortunatelly, his mod is not compatible with Dawnguard, and he is not answering when I write him in his mod, so here I am :smile:

I'm only interested in that part of his mod, nothing more. I am not asking for a new mod, but I would appreciate any help, tutorial or anything you could offer me for making a mod by myself.

Sorry if something is bad written, I'm not English :smile:

Thanks for your help¡¡¡

Edited by Luispa
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He is not answering because it's over a year old. Most mod authors don't even visit the Nexus that made mods back then. I know it's not compatible with Dawnguard. So this is a respectful but direct answer. You would have to learn how to update the mod yourself to work with Dawnguard. There is no other way to do what you want. No tutorials will directly help you. You would have to simply start from scratch and learn as you go.

Edited by Sharlikran
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He is not answering because it's over a year old. Most mod authors don't even visit the Nexus that made mods back then. I know it's not compatible with Dawnguard. So this is a respectful but direct answer. You would have to learn how to update the mod yourself to work with Dawnguard. There is no other way to do what you want. No tutorials will directly help you. You would have to simply start from scratch and learn as you go.


He's right, complete all the creation kit tutorials: http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Page learn the scripting tutorial and the quest tutorials from there your going to have to start from scratch and build your skills as you create the mod.

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