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Mod for adjusting position of weapons


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Hi, all. I'm annoyed that, in the 1st person view, the weapon takes up almost a quarter of the screen. Is there a mod that places weapons lower in the screen?


Here's a couple of screenshots to demonstrate what I mean. Original position:




And with a bit of photoshopping, here's approximately what I'd like it to look like:



Is there any particular mod that does it? If not, perhaps someone would be kind enough to create one? Thanks.

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I dunno much about this, but how about you try to adjust the fov? There is a command for that.

You just type in the console "fov" and then for example 90,


"fov 90", (the F3 standard is fov 70).


The problem is, if thats what you want, you would have to change it every time you start the game.

But there is an option which allows you to change it permanently I haven't try out yet myself,

add "fDefaultWorldFOV"

to your Fallout.ini and it should stay, but as I said, I dunno if this really works.

I hope this helps you at least a little.

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