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Best race/races in Skyrim and why


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  • 8 months later...

I always liked the dark elfs in general. Its hard to pass up their resistance to fire back in oblivion the majority of spells thrown at you at lest in my experience were fire based skyrim dragons fire it makes sense. Bretons are also good with the 25% passive magic resistance they have a Absorb 50% of the magicka but you can only use it once a day I rather take the passive 50% to fire.


Although Argonians are pretty brutal they are the only race when the oblivion crisis happen that the dremora didn’t invade their land it was the Argonians that invaded the plain of Mehrunes Dagon as soon as the gates opened. The so called all mighty Aldmeri Dominion got raped big time in the oblivion crisis. Talos himself knew he could of never conquered Black marsh its too wild the Argonians are an extreme force to be reckoned with.

Edited by Bloodinfested
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