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Skyre question


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I have had it installed before and really liked it, I installed again recently and now the game boots to screen just before you can load it and then quits to desktop. Can't seem to solve it. Disabling Skyre fixes it.

So I am going to reinstall game and would like you guys to suggest mods that you know work with it and what mods you find essential and that plays nice with Skyre.

Thank you

(also you can suggest a mod like Skyre you feel is worth a shot)
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Its probably something with your load order, did you run BOSS after installing SkyRe?

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The problem might be with some other mods you have? SkyRe has a lot of compatibility patches for use with other mods (Mostly re-assessing stats) so if you had a mod installed that could have conflicted with it, that would have been a problem.

I'd recommend taking a look at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29375/? Qotsafan's SkyRe ReProccer Patches

and recently http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37605/? Unofficial Skyrim ReDone Patch by ExlmleR


(Balbor has patches too, but may be outdated and he's taking the summer off)

Hope it works out for you!


EDIT - BB Code Fail

Edited by JC12
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