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If you could only install 5 mods, which ones would you pick?


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Not going to include all the unofficial patches in this list, those are automatics like SkyUI :)


Automatic Variants


Immersive Armors




That was actually pretty tough! Leaving out favorites like Jaysus Sowrds, ASIS, aMidianBorn Book of Silence, no bueno! ;)

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That's a hard one... if you said TWO, I would pick SkyRe and Frostfall, without a doubt.


Skyrim Redone


Climates of Tamriel

Interesting NPCs



Not so sure on the last one... maybe static mesh improvement... or maybe 2k Textures.... or maybe Immersive Armors, or Book of Silence...


without a doubt, that would be a toughy XD ten would be a much more feasible number!

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Climates of Tamriel


(Now it starts to get hard :P )


Enhanced Lights and FX




Cloaks of Skyrim (so Frostfall doesn't kill me every time it gets a bit chilly)


GOD that was hard. You are a sadist to suggest such a thing!


EDIT: UNLESS you count ENB as a mod, then I would probably take my chances and take out Cloaks and replace it with an ENB. COMEATMEMOTHERNATURE!!

Edited by FOX_HOUND
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@jackwonderful yes, probably a lot more lol.


But I ask you this, when you look at a pregnant lady, how many people do you see? Does the bus driver charge her for another ticket?


Just because something contains other things, it still counts as one!!


That's my story and I am sticking to it!! :P

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but, isn't skyre about 5+ mods in itslef?


No, it's one mod. It has multiple plugins, plugins are not the same as mods. Think of it like cake, there may be multiple pieces, but it's still one cake.

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