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More Complex needs or RND?


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So I am wondering which mod people use/prefer out of these two..


I originally started out with IMCN, but at one point it looked like it wasn't being updated or supported by the author anymore so I jumped ship to RND.


I liked RND for its simplicity..I got hungry so ate something, got tired so went to bed.


But then I saw that IMCN got updated so went back to it, but now I am debating my decision because it just seems too much like hard work lol. Everything just seems to take longer and takes the immersion out a bit with all the menus that pop up saying percentages of everything and what have you.


I would just like to know, is it worth me getting used to it or go back to RND. Which one do you think is more supported or most stable/less demanding on the system etc. etc.



Edited by FOX_HOUND
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RND for sure. i love it! i always kinda wondered why there were things like food and beds in the vanilla game. when i played on xbox i never ate or slept, which looking back is totally lame immersion-wise.


i honestly havent tried IMCN, but i looked at it... it seems overly complicated. also i dont like the percentages, i think RND is more immersive and less mathematical.

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I haven't used IMCN, but I used RND for a while in an early release. It was good, but I got out of hardcore mod eventually. I figure that sleeping and eating in real life plus in Skyrim is less immersive than just eating and sleeping in real life. Sleeping for 5 minutes as I watch a timer doesn't really add to the game, imo. I prefer mods now that just add cold weather survival and that kind of thing.

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immersion should never be hard work! Go with RND, when it comes to adding features altogether, simple and effective is the winner! RND is also very stable, every great once in a while if I eat or drink to fast it might not register it, but that's it, nothing game breaking or even really noticeable.


Waterfountains of skyrim is a good mod to go with RND! And don't forget frostfall! ^_^

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Hmm..looks like everyone here agrees about IMCN being too overcomplicated lol. Guess I will go back to RND :)


I also agree about debating whether it is actually needed at all..it just annoys me that there are so many food items around when there really isn't any real use for them, so I thought I would give use to them with one of these mods. Maybe I will try the game without them at some point as well to see which I prefer (It has been so long since I didn't use a "Needs" mod).


Thanks for the replies people!

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