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New game, old queststates?


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Hello everyone!


I'm curious if there is a way to beginn a new game but somehow revert all the completed quests from a previous save.

The reason is farely simple. Whilst playing I always tried out new mods and this caused a lot of reference errors according to my Papyrus.log. This causes a lot of CTDs, infinte loadingscreens and every other quest is somehow bugged (states not being updated, etc. etc.).



Although I want to start a new game, I don't want to play everything again... (main quest, mages college, companion, dawnguard, dragonborn, etc.).


Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

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The simple answer is no. There is a way, but its so complicated, it would actually be less work to not do it. Theres actually two ways, the one im thinking of is tedious and wont result in the rewards ascociated with the quest completion.




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Well if your just trying to get to the same point where you left off before making the new game, quest wise, like screendrop said its way too much work. You might as well get some kind of cheat mod (Levelers Tower for example) to get back your items and character stats. Iam in the same boat as you, but there is no simple alternative :/

At best you could try reverting all the installed and deleted mods to 0 within the original save file, (basically you "trick" the save file into thinking that you never installed those mods in the first place) via a 3rd party program. Just look it up and do some research. I've tried to do that myself, but with my level of skill it took too long and I just gave up and started a new character. Sorry for not being much use :/

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Well if your just trying to get to the same point where you left off before making the new game, quest wise, like screendrop said its way too much work. You might as well get some kind of cheat mod (Levelers Tower for example) to get back your items and character stats. Iam in the same boat as you, but there is no simple alternative :/

At best you could try reverting all the installed and deleted mods to 0 within the original save file, (basically you "trick" the save file into thinking that you never installed those mods in the first place) via a 3rd party program. Just look it up and do some research. I've tried to do that myself, but with my level of skill it took too long and I just gave up and started a new character. Sorry for not being much use :/


I did exactly that twice on a save... and although it appeared right after it the game was fine again and super duper clean, it eventually when completely to hell because of zero-ing the papyrus section inside the save... it's not save and this is clearly mentioned on the mod page as well. It should only be "tried" when you have a save game so severely corrupted that there is no way to work with it, or it wont even open at all anymore.


But the result of this procedure is not a good working fix to the problem... zero-ing the papyrus comes with a whole bunch of troubles of its own. It's like killing the wasps in a forrest by burning down the forrest itself.


I would not advise it.


@OP: Start a new game... there is no other way to get what you want in any save way... either through mods, separate programs or the console. The best way to play is to figure which mods you wanna play with (destroy a game or two in the process if you like) - and stick with them. Installing a new mod is mostly fine - uninstalling a mod on you save = asking for problems. So try not to. Especially not the ones that come with scripts, quests, npc's. Always check the mod page when installing and when you see a lot of crap under the uninstall section, rename the mod in NMM and add something like "- WARNING" at the end of the name to remind yourself to read the install/uninstall section when you need to.

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Alternately, you could look up ALL OF THE QUEST IDs and SQS them to the final stage by commanding player.sqs xxxxxxxxx and then the quest ID player.setquest to stage xxx

SOmetimes you have to set them in order, so if theres 50 unique quest stages, you have to set 50 unique stages.



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