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How Many Perks Can You Have in a Mod?


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I've seen a lot of Perk Tree mods, but most of them don't really do what I want.


Is there a Perk Tree Modding Tutorial anywhere?


I understand that you cannot really add new skills and new Perk Trees, just change what is there.


But how many perks can you change, move or add to a Tree?

Are you limited in the total number of Perks already in the game, or can you add as many new perks to existing trees as you like?


EG, if you wanted to change Smithing and:


Swap Dragon and Daedric.


Start with Basic Smithing for the Heavy, Light and Fine Smithing Trees.


Move Steel to the bottom of the heavy branch


Add Primative Smithing for the bottom of the Light branch (Fur and Foresworn-type armour weapons)


Add Fine Smithing for jewellery etc.




100 Daedric

90 Dragon Plate Dragon Scale

80 Ebony

70 Gem Cutting Glass

60 Orcish Arcane Smith

50 Advanced Heavy Jeweller Advanced Light

40 Goldsmith

30 Dwarven Silversmith Elven

20 Steel Fine Smithing Primative


0 Basic Smithing



Would this be possible without having to remove Perks from other trees?


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