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First off I would like to just say that I only know the basics of modding, so I'm not sure if my idea is even remotely doable.


Imagine this. Your preferred female body mod is say CBBE and you have it installed and working correctly. You decide you are tired of the vanilla armor in skyrim or you just want some new armor to try out. So you jump on steam and/or nexus to look for some new female armor. You come across a set of armor that you like, but its for the UNP body and none has made a version for the CBBE body. What do you do? Well 1 you could download the UNP body and the armor to use the armor or 2 you could just let it go and keep looking (for me personally I do the latter).


However, what if there was a 3rd mod that allowed you to have your cake and eat it too. By that I mean you would download and install the UNP body, download and install the armor you wanted and download and install a 3rd mod that allowed you to use your CBBE body with your UNP styled armor in game, without having to uninstall the CBBE body and not have the textures look messed up. If you said, yes I want to have my cake and eat it too, then this idea might be what you are hoping for.


My guess is that the 3rd mod upon installation, would ask you which body mod out of all the body mods you have installed do you want to be your main body. This would mean that when you take off your armor, you see is your naked main body mod that you have chosen, and when you put your armor on that is not matched to your main body mod, it will ingame (at the very least) change the skin of your character to match the skin that the armor is meant for.


The only problem I can see is. When putting say the UNP armor on the CBBE body and only having the skin change accordingly, is that (as far as I know), it will still look messed up because they use different skeletons. If this is true, then how hard would it be to have the other skeletons already loaded with the skins hidden, in miniature form and buried inside the main body model.


This mod would allow those that favor one body model over all the others to still keep using their favorite body, while not worrying about what body model the armor is based off (unless they don't have the body model installed). furthermore, having to exit out of game just to uninstall/deactivate one and install/activate the other, just to checkout/use (either for the same character or a different one), armor built for a different body model. Finally, it would also stop people pestering armor mod authors, about making their armor (that they have spent days or even weeks making) for a different body model that the author might find difficult to work with.


As I stated before, I'm not sure if my idea is even remotely doable.


thanks for taking the time to read this.


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