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Regarding stability when many mods installed


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I have a few questions for people who are very experienced in modding their Skyrim.


1. If you have Skyrim with 150+ mods installed (not counting textures), is it absolutely stable or you got used to dealing with occasional crashes and freezes?

2. If your heavily modded Skyrim is stable, how you achieved this? Was it "installed everything and works just fine" or you worked hard to make it stable? Your process of making the game stable with many mods - major interest for me.

3. Is it possible that textures make game crash? For example I have one texture of grass floor, that crashes game and if I change it for another grass floor texture, can it somehow fix CTD?

4. What are some of the most notorious mods that cause crashes?

5. What are your general advices for making heavily modded AND stable Skyrim?




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I have 105 plugins, not sure how many mods, and stable. I went mod crazy to start and was getting CTD's every ten minutes. All I really did was get a little more sparring with the clothing and armor. Some you can use with the wrong body replacer, some it seems you really shouldn't. Also avoid conflicts. If they are replacing the same file then choose one or be certain you actually want to replace it. Some actually rely upon their replacements. Also I found it helped to mod as I went. Some I just got carried away with, but many I just did as I could see the changes in game. Overall I got lucky.

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