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Horse Collision Fix


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Is there any way to fix the collision mesh on horses so that running past someone doesn't catch them on the horse and drag them along with you for a mile?


It's rather annoying to have to move 10 or so feet around people when passing on the road when I should be able to run right next to them no issue.

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are you using latest version of the game?

If I correctly remember, it happened with your character vs. NPC as well in older version of the game, it got fixed later but no idea if it applied to horse as well.


Yes... unless this was fixed in Dawnguard or Dragonborn, game updates haven't fixed this for me... I havn't had the chance to buy either of the DLCs yet but I plan to once I can afford them again...


I've had this issue since day one... I too had the character vs NPC issue once but that doesn't happen any more... Horse vrs NPC does though...

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Did a little bit more testing with it last night.... turns out the collision mesh is only extended out on the Left side of the horse... people passing by on your right side can touch the horse without being dragged... but anyone passing by the left side gets dragged along unless they are more than what looks like 10 feet away from the horse.

Edited by bundah
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  • 2 weeks later...

Digging around on this same issue brought me here, bundah. Exact same issue.


I'm wondering what, if any, mods might be at work. The only thing I have that should be touching horses is Ultimate Follower Overhaul and Convenient Horses. Is your game modded at all?


I'm just getting back to the game and can't remember ever seeing this before.

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Digging around on this same issue brought me here, bundah. Exact same issue.


I'm wondering what, if any, mods might be at work. The only thing I have that should be touching horses is Ultimate Follower Overhaul and Convenient Horses. Is your game modded at all?


I'm just getting back to the game and can't remember ever seeing this before.


AFT, Real Mares, and More Saddles


However, the collision issues occur on unmodded vanilla Skyrim as well. So the issue is within the base game it's self... since Real Mares replaces the horse mesh all together... it stands to reason that it's more than just a model issue... now that I think about it... don't we always mount and dismount our horse from the left side? I think what is happening isn't actually the horse mesh at all... but rather that our character is actually still standing next to the horse and what we are seeing is a displacement by animation. Given what happens to objects on a table when you sit in a nearby chair... the Havok Physics might not acctually allow them to place the character on the horse without causing the horse to be thrown out of the world.

Edited by bundah
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Really strange stuff.


--Though my issue wound up going away after a few turns around Whiterun, dragging mammoths along for the fun of it. A couple mounts and dismounts during combat and suddenly I noticed that nothing/no one was being dragged any longer.


As strange as it appeared, it disappeared.


Maybe a memory issue.

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  • 6 years later...
  • 7 months later...

If anyone interested I found the problem. In my case it was my equipment - double daggers. I've changed them to bow (or double swords for ex.) and - wow, collision became normal.

Woa. You are my hero! My Skyrim SE is heavely modded. I was blaming everything

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