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Console commands for Hearthfire pets?


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Made Vigilance, the dog from Markarth, a pet when my Hearthfire kids asked before I realized I could have had mudcrabs and foxes instead. Are there any ways to unflag him as a pet so he goes back to his owner without me having to shoot him in the head?

Also, I've tried looking around for the limit on pets, but I've found a couple of different answers, is it just one pet per kid?

Or, alternatively, is there a way to make it so there's the option to buy him from his owner again after I shoot him in the head? Then would spawning him back there with placeatme fix everything up?

Edited by fkkfkk
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The limit on pets is 2 per kid, I believe(at least that's what I read, my kids have had 1 each tops). However, a dog counts as an EXTRA pet, meaning that you cannot have 2 dogs at once. Also, it takes a very long time for your kids to come home with a pet. They can have anything from Mudcrabs and Skeevers all the way to frostbite spiders and foxes. I think it's 2 pets per kid, but I may be wrong. Like I said, the most I've had was 1 pet per kid. And as the alternative, yes, you can kill Vigilance. The kids WILL be mad at you for a few days, but will then go back to talking to you and calling you papa/mama. However, I wouldn't kill him because it takes way too long to have your kids bring in a pet. And as for the placeatme command, this is a 50/50. It works with all followers that are human and animal companions such as Meeko, but you have to PURCHASE Vigilance, and unlike the mercenaries, you have to speak to Banning to purchase him and not vigilance directly. I'ms ure you could work it out somehow though. Hope this helps.

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