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frostfall mod with an xbox controller


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Nah, I had the same problem, thats the only thing, as a PC gamer, I like the occasional convenience of having a 30 controller, but there aren't enough remappable keys to deal with some of the mods out. Only thing you can do it to use the keyboard when you need to do that and the 360 when youre playing.



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There are a few options most people don't know of when using a controller. This is what I do:


1. Use this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/310/? 360 hotkey enabler. Allows you to use the 1-9 keys on the keyboard for hotkeys while using a controller.


2. While in the MCM menu, unplug the controller, use the mouse and keyboard to remap the key (I use the N key for weathersense), then plug the controller back in. Now you can use keymapped keys on the keyboard while using the controller to play. Works perfect with other mods like iHUD, RNRD, Dual Wield Parrying, etc.


This assumes that you are using SKSE and have the keyboard with you while playing with your controler at the TV.


Hope it was at least a little helpful.

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