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B3, Smelt Skyrim and Real Shelter (Topic Moved)


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Got to be honest, there's a part of me that agrees about some of the content. I don't care much for censorship, and there are filters and categorisation in place to avoid encountering adult-orientated mods for those who don't wish to, but when the (finely crafted, quality-wise, I'm sure) 'Schlongs of Skyrim' is featured on the frontpage, and whilst the screenshot uploads are 90% barely covered computer generated women, it's quite depressing, and I can see how it's distasteful to many, and worrying to those with children.


Personally I don't think it's a particularly conducive environment to a modding community to have so much nudity or near-nudity - and wanton objectivisation mostly of women - as front-page content. The filters are there and work fine, but whilst these things are featured on the front-page, they may as well not do. It also, to be honest, looks pretty tacky on a website that otherwise looks sleek and community-based to have scantily clad, horrifically distorted images of women all over the place.

Edited by FriarChris
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To those not wanting to see the "adult content" files on site: Go to your profile, turn on the adult content filter and leave it on.


You won't see it unless someone hasn't filled out the file information or tagged it correctly, in which case - report it so we can adjust its setup accordingly.

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It is incredibly irresponsible to distribute a mod which uses scripts using a service which includes mandatory silent auto-update. Your 'moral' argument is infantile at best, intensely hypocritical and arrogant at worst. Have fun!

You make a good point there. Steam and his politics of silent update without demand your opinion WILL break your game.

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Thank you very much for the now unsupported Nexis version. I am glad to have it still in my collection. I went to the page today to donate as I was rebuilding my Skyrim install. I was thinking about the huge effort and the realism Real Shelter adds. This is no trivial task.


I hope the alternate sites get you what you are looking for. Sadly, I would wonder why you are truly leaving the Nexis but your are not the first. I hope they reconcile with the devs, you included, and get you back on the best modding site to date.

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There are a few things I need to clear up:

Thanks for the support, judgements and witty criticism. I respect your opinions so please afford me the same. The Nexus is no longer a place I wish to publish my work. Period. I do not expect everyone to agree. What websites I want my kids to have access to is my business and no one else's. I will not be hypocritical by publishing mods on a site that I steer them away from.

@ Dante and LP1: Please do not presume to know my motivations. Reposting this from the Mod Authors forum was the responsible thing to do since the general community cannot access that forum. It should not have been initially posted there. Fans of my mods know I have always dealt with them in a prompt and respectful way and now they can see the reasons behind the mod departures instead of a dead link. I don't 'stir up trouble' as labeled - the situation with SOS was an unfortunate result of an honest inquiry (with missed levity) and was between that author, the moderator and myself. That author picked the fight, not I.

@ CreepingDarkness: Skyrim has an ESRB rating of M (generally suitable for 17+; may contain violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language). The Nexus is arguably rated Adult (content suitable only for adults ages 18+ and may include prolonged scenes of intense violence or graphic sexual content).

Regardless, how the Nexus staff does business is up to them. I hold no hard feelings and am thankful for the services provided.

Regarding the relocating of these mods, I had planned to repost B3 and Real Shelter at version 1.0 on Steam and TES Alliance in the late summer/early fall as I am in the process of moving. Instead I'll post them in the coming days/weeks at their last supported version so you can replace what you had and continue to give feedback until version 1.0 is released.

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If you considered removing your mod from Nexus, please provide us the uninstallation guide. I`m sure there are several scripts that need to be stopped before removing this. I feel bad doing this as it was a good mod but i can`t continue using an unsupported mod.



Thank you

Edited by Kaya47
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@ Dante and LP1: Please do not presume to know my motivations.


It's not your motive, it was your method.


You obviously aren't happy here, and it's due to something that isn't going to change unless the other Robin (the one that owns the site) decides it should. So I'm going to make this very simple for you.



Robinsage - account closed.

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