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Way to check current weather stage?


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is there a way to check what current stage the weather is at in game? like a console way to check? i'd like to check both vanilla and Climates of Tamriel (in case there's a special way to check COT). i don't really wanna change the weather. i have a Scriptdragon function that does that. no, i just wanna check what the weather condition that i'm currently in, is called


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you could....make a custom item with an OnEquip script and throw in these lines. Then you could tell what the weather classification is whenever you equipe the item, say maybe a hat or something. Sounds like you have some scripting experience, so I'll supply you with the incomplete stuff to allow you to figure it out on your onw, hopefully this points you in the right direction.


  if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 0
DebugTrace("Nice Weather.")
if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 1
DebugTrace("Cloudy Weather.")
if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 2
DebugTrace("Rainy Weather.")
if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 3
DebugTrace("Snowy Weather.")
if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == -1
DebugTrace("Unclassified Weather.")


http://www.creationkit.com/Weather_Script might have more information as well.

Edited by SeraphimKensai
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