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Secret Tips To Apply When Working With Luxurious Silk

Silk is the most favorite and luxurious fabric of all. When it comes to design something with the royal feel and you need an equally beautiful appearance of the fabric then there is nothing better than silk.

When it comes to sewing silk then we all know how difficult it is to handle this fabric without having command over some of the tricks. If you have the top sewing machines for beginners PV5yaqb.gifthen you can apply some of the secret tips to this fabric.


You can sew silk using a basic sewing machine

From now on you will be able to handle the silk really well and will enjoy preparing projects out of it.


There used to be a time when people spent lots of money on the dry cleaning of the silk fabric because water can leave marks on this sensitive fabric. When you are a sewer and you are preparing something from the silk fabric then the first step is to pre-wash the fabric. Pre-washing helps in bringing out the final texture of the fabric and you will be glad to sew it without complications.

I prefer to wash it before sewing without worrying about the stain marks. If you are not going to wash it then later after the shrinking, you can see the difference in the design and texture of the garment. It’s better to take a risk than to regret it. The first secret to getting great results from the silk fabric is to pre-wash it before sewing.

For Cutting:

Silk is never going to stay still at your table if you are cutting it in a simple manner. Silk requires few tricks to make it stable in one place for a time being. When we are talking about silk then, of course, you should know about a few secrets that can help you in stabilizing the fabric. The first one is a stabilizer and you can use it on the fabric for a temporary purpose, it will stop slipping off the silk.

Another thing you can do is to use muslin in between the silk while cutting. Keep the layer of muslin and it will help in preventing slipping. You can use weights to hold the fabric in one place so you can cut in peace. Always use a rotary cutter for the cutting of slippery fabric as it is going to keep the fabric away from fraying and you can cut straight lines or the exact pattern you want to cut out.


Use fabric clips to join one or more pieces together as compared to the pins. While sewing some of the fabrics you have to use pins of different sizes but when it comes to the silk then none of the pins will work. If you will add pins inside the fabric then you can see the marks later which are irreversible. The best thing you can do is to use the weights or fabric clips:

You can also use fabric glue as well that is easy to remove from the fabric. You can apply glue temporarily and then later after sewing, you can remove it. Fabric glue is easy to remove but make sure you are applying it in small quantities as silk is quite sensitive so don’t apply anything excessively.

Machine Tension:

The test run is always important to check the tension and thread flow. If you have a good sewing machine for beginners then you can adjust the settings in the perfect manner and even setting the thread is not going to be a problem for you. Use a piece of silk to check the performance of a sewing machine and to check the stitch length as well.


Pay attention to machine tension

If you are watching that needle is not providing good stitching quality or broken stitches are everywhere on the fabric then replace the needle or clean your machine. Machine tension has the power to make or break the project so you better check it out before running it on the real fabric. You can learn more about the best sewing machine for beginners 5gsJfRS.gifand the different features of a good sewing machine by visiting CraftsSelection.com.


Silk is a stubborn fabric and you must keep this thing in mind that it frays a lot. You have to take precautions to minimize the fraying of silk. As soon as you are going to cut the silk fabric you can see after a few hours the fraying and that will be too annoying for you to stop. The first thing you can do is to use the serger on all the edges and overcast them to get rid of all the fraying.

The next thing you can do to make silk stop fraying is to use pinking shears for the cutting. When you will start cutting the fabric in the zigzag form, it reduces the chances of fraying. By trying any one of the tricks you can get rid of this problem and it will all worth it.

Seams Finishing:

Most of the silks are lightweight and that’s why you have to go through the problem while finishing seams. Your fabric may fray a lot at the time of finishing seams so you have to be careful while working on the seams. In order to create the underlined garment, I prefer to use French, flat, faux, and Hong Kong seams. You can also use overcast stitches as well.

Silk demands attention and when you are working with such a project then you have to go through all the tips and tricks to handle the fabric in the best possible way.


Silk can be a bit frustrating when you are working on it but in the end, it all will worth it. You can read more sewing machine reviews to find out what is a good sewing machine for beginners XxHxp2r.giffor complete guidance and get the relevant information about the sewing machine. When it comes to pressing, you should always use a press cloth for the silk to prevent the fabric from getting stains off the iron. By applying some of the above-mentioned tricks you can easily sew silk and will be glad to complete it in no time.

Edited by WillisSims
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I tried downloading Nexus after switching to a new computer. That time my downloading process was slow so it was interrupted. I deferred and waited for reloading after 1 month. This time I can't download it. I don't know what's the reason? Are you in the same situation as me? Please give me some information

Hmm mines all good and got no issue when downloading so it's probably on your end.

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