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Mod Idea


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I was just brainstorming. Most of that was just the basics of horror. And good idea with the fog. Fog always adds that spooky graveyard effect. You know what I bet if I was just a little bit better with the CS I could make a freedy krueger mod. I have the claws already from a mod on this site. Hhhmm I guess he would be a dark elf.
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If you make Freddie Krueger he should be a wood Elf vampire because they are evil looking.

Err shouldnt Freddy Krueger look like Freddy Krueger? If there was a mod that is.


I just thought of something that would be neat for the Hulk Mod. The ability to break things like doors or walls or people and to be able to use anything as a weapon. I know the game engine couldnt support this (that engine is starting to sound cruddier more and more.) but it would be neat though.


While we're kinda on the subject, who do you think will win in the Freddy Vs. Jason movie that's coming out soon? My vote goes to Jason.

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Freddy. Even though the odds are against him. Jason is bigger and stronger his weapon has a longer reach hes killed more people. But jasons all brawn. Freddys got brains and a twisted sense of humor you gotta love. At the begginning of the movie they are a team. But jason hogs all the kills so freddy gets pissed of and they fight. Im rooting for freddy!
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