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New modded Skyrim Let's Play! Taking all suggestions, etc.


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Hey there! I am going to be doing a weekly Skyrim Let's play called "Life of a Druid!", featuring me trying any and all mods suggested to me ( though I may have to try them in chunks from week to week ). I am also taking suggestions as to what you would like to see me do, the name of my character etc. I think I am also going to try and showcase a new ENB every 2 weeks - month and give my thoughts on them. First video is uploaded and I will be keeping a tally of all suggestions! Thanks for taking the time to watch, or even read this!


If any of you have any questions feel free to ask me either as a youtube comment, or on here!

Current things I know I need to do/improve on:

sound quality, turn up my mic, or turn down skyrims master volume. It becomes pretty evident my mic was being over powered when fighting the dark druid.

Current name suggestions and content suggestions:

Kill everyone

Edited by moteofdustwow
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If you are doing a life of a druid series, may I suggest some mods:

The Dryad Race mod (adds some nature related spells), here.

Wrath of Nature, here.

Druid Essentials, here.

Lilium (not for the follower, for the spells), here.


You have probably already looked at all these mods already, but I will suggest them nevertheless. They all have to do with nature/druids in some form so I hope they help.

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what is peoples obsession with playing a female character when they are male themselves?


I'm not trying to be negative, however why does it really matter?

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what is peoples obsession with playing a female character when they are male themselves?


I'm not trying to be negative, however why does it really matter?



It doesn't matter. I don't usually play female characters, because I try to make my character as similar to me as possible, but they're not affecting my game. And I don't care if people play a realistic female character. I *do* get annoyed at the sheer quantity of people who download super boob mods with glossy skin and play a female character in crotchless 'armor' because it turns them on. Once again, I know it's not affecting me, but it's saddening that so many people want to do that.


On the other hand, I have been considering buying a female skin for the Killing Floor. Gender options in games are never bad, and I don't want Tripwire to decide it's a bad business decision to keep making both male and female skins.



If you're struggling with audio, you could try the Sound Propogation Overhaul. It adds many new sliders to adjust audio to the options menu.

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what is peoples obsession with playing a female character when they are male themselves?

Hmm, I am sorry if you feel presonally off put, offended, or slighted by my choice of how I play Skyrim. I personally enjoy playing a female, being a bit more feminine myself, and in some cases being able to identify better with females. That being said I also am much more attracted to females so I enjoy looking at my character for the 100+ hours if that character is a female, than a male.


I hope you stick around to see how my Let's Play! goes, but if not I am sorry.


@Leafynn - Thanks for the advice! I already have Druid Essentials ( what I went over at the beginning of my first video), but I will make sure to look into Wrath of Nature. I am pretty stuck on being my current race, but will downlaod to try the Dryad as well!


@Rennn - I can sympathize, I am really trying to make a realistic and fleshed out druid, rp wise. I feel like when some players make overly large breasted females, running around nude, it brings heat down on me, instantly lumping me as a pervert. I will also try out Sound Propogation Overhaul!!


Great suggesstions, and I should have the second video uploaded in a little over 24 hours!


Thank you so much for the support!

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