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really good idea


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hey guys, i got a brilliant idea (or so i think)

What if you could chose between saving, or destroying the world?

like after the sewers you're approached by mankar and he offers you a choice, join him or fight him.

if you join him, the entire game changes so that you go between oblivion and tamriel willingly to do missions, actually go too daedra towns, and talk to them. Even go to paradise when you die then leave because mankar like you.

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well, search servant of the dawn which as whole questline for the mythic dawn, there's a deadra town out there, and tbh i hate the realm of obliv with an absolute vengence, but theres proably a spell out there that lets you teleport ur self into oblivion. in theory its a good idea yes, but the work load would be enormous, pretty much a whole new game with new locations, textutes, meshes, buildings, cells, characters, maps, armour weapons and characers. so short answer:nice thought, but a helluva work load. i strongly reccommend servant of the dawn though, its a class peice of work
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