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New to Skyrim- Mod question


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Having never played Skyrim before, I was wondering what mods you would suggest for a beginner. Just to make gameplay a little smoother. So far I have been thinking of downloading a map mod and a UI mod. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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I would highly recommend the unofficial patch series. They fix an extraordinary number of things. Links: Unofficial Skyrim Patch, Unofficial Dawnguard Patch, Unofficial Hearthfire Patch, Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, and Unofficial High Resolution Patch. I'd recommend any of those that apply (dependent on whether you have the dlc).

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SkyUI, without any hesitation, if you use keyboard and mouse.


Also, Atlas Map Markers


And either UFO or Amazing Follower Tweaks if you like having more than one follower. UFO allows 15 followers, but I think AFT is a little more updated but only allows five.


You can find them easily by searching The Nexus.




You'll have to register, but it is free.



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SkyUI is absolutly amazing, it makes the menu system just that much better. I'd also recommend checking out Frostfall if you want an immersive survival expereience. Frostfall as goes great with a basic needs mods, many of which require your character to eat, sleep and drink.

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