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Issues with mods/DLC; game acts as if they aren't there


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A little while ago, I downloaded Skyrim, then I was quite bored with the vanilla game, I also discovered the Dawnguard DLC. I decided to download the add-on and some other mods. There is one problem though: I can't get anything to work.


The problem is that, in the Data folder, I have these folders: Interface, Strings, Video and not those required by whatever mod/DLC.


I have tried creating the required folders, tried just dumping files in the folder without creating any more folders. Downloading any mod with the NMM doesn't do anything, either. I get the message that the mod was succesfully installed, but I see no change whatsoever. It's like I haven't installed anything. I also tried changing the load order, but I had the same results. And the "data files" line in the launcher is unclickable. Shouldn't this specific line enable me see the .esp files in my data folder? Why can't I get anything to actually work?


Any suggestions as to what's wrong?


If it is of any importance, my OS is Windows 7 Ultimate 86bit. And I have updated the game.

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Anything you are missing you should be able to get from steam. I suggest starting from scratch if things are really messed up at this point.


Normally files are in there, but unless you unpack them you don't see them. They will be in BSA formats. So for example your meshes will be in the Skyrim Meshes.bsa or Dawnguard.bsa and you would need to unpack them to see the individual mesh files and meshes.

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