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Optional files after the fact.


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Most optional files are added last anyway. All you need to do is download and install apachii's hair and all the main files, then add the others in. She has very detailed instructions for installation. Make sure you read her entire description page.


If you are having issues downloading its because of the enormous amount of traffic we get on Sundays. I am sorry for that.

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Well I'm not sure how to just add the others in. On her page it says:

My character gets bald when using a helmet, what can be done to fix this?
You have to install my ApachiiHelmetWigs_v_1_0 under optional files.
Equipable Wigs for use under helmet and hats.
Craft them at the forge or get them for free from a barrel outside Riften Stable.

I looked in the barrels and the wigs weren't there. Can I redownload the optional files through the NMM or do I need to find them on the website?

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Well I am not currently using NMM so I can't answer to that.


Do me a favor and make sure that all the ESMs and ESPs are on.


Then go in your game and open the console...(~ if you don't know) and type help "wig" and see if an list of items comes up. You can scroll though it by using the page up and down buttons.


Then come back and tell me what happened?

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