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BOSS reports to warnings, suggest action?


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RRBetterWhiterunInt.esp Active

Contains dirty edits: 35 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.

Warning: This file contains 1 deleted NavMesh record that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.


Waves.esp Active

Contains dirty edits: 189 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.

Warning: This plugin may have some corruption because it was made with an older version (4.2 or 4.3.x) of TESVSnip. Please wait until the author issues a updated version of the mod without any TES5Snip edits.



I really do not want to uninstall either of these mods, and neither of them have updated versions last I checked. Do I have to worry about these warnings, and if so what can I do to fix them? These are the only warnings I have when I run BOSS out of 173 mods, and I would like to make sure they aren't going to give me problems! ^_^

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Clean them with TES5Edit. The link it gives tells you how.

You may get instability issues with the first one due to the NavMesh issues after a while if you can't fix it with TES5Edit.

With the second, if you have Dragonborn, you can use the DB Waves.esp from WATER instead, which does pretty much the same thing but is up to date.

Edited by Jeir
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Clean them with TES5Edit. The link it gives tells you how.

You may get instability issues with the first one due to the NavMesh issues after a while if you can't fix it with TES5Edit.

With the second, if you have Dragonborn, you can use the DB Waves.esp from WATER instead, which does pretty much the same thing but is up to date.

I'm to tired to try and figure out how to clean mods tonight, but I'll look into it. I constantly get CTDs around and in Jorvaskr and I have figure out that floating grass and rocks near whiterun are to blame for that mod as well, so i might just break down and use a different whiterun mod...


And thanks for the tip on the waves, I actually already have that mod installed, I thought it was a PATCH for WATER and Waves... silly me. ^_^;

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It's extremely easy to clean mods.

1. Open TES5Edit.

2. A window will pop up with all your mods checked. Right-click this window, and click on 'Select None'.

3. Check only the mod you want to clean and click OK/doubleclick on the mod you want to clean. It's masters will automatically be loaded.

4. Wait for everything to load.

5. On the left, right-click the mod and click on 'Apply Filter for Cleaning'. Wait.

6. Right-click the mod again and click on 'Remove "Identical to Master" Records'. Wait.

7. Right-click on the mod again and select 'Undelete and Disable References'. Wait.

8. Close TES5Edit. Save the file when it prompts to.

9. Repeat for each mod that needs cleaning.

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It's extremely easy to clean mods.

1. Open TES5Edit.

2. A window will pop up with all your mods checked. Right-click this window, and click on 'Select None'.

3. Check only the mod you want to clean and click OK/doubleclick on the mod you want to clean. It's masters will automatically be loaded.

4. Wait for everything to load.

5. On the right, right-click the mod and click on 'Apply Filter for Cleaning'. Wait.

6. Right-click the mod again and click on 'Remove "Identical to Master" Records'. Wait.

7. Right-click on the mod again and select 'Undelete and Disable References'. Wait.

8. Close TES5Edit. Save the file when it prompts to.

9. Repeat for each mod that needs cleaning.

Wow, thanks, why couldn't that link to BOSS have been that simple? I stared at that and scratched my head for 5 straight minutes, and the 22 minute video was just even more intimidating. XD


I deleted those two mods, I do want to replace the whiterun mod with another one eventually (the only other one I really like isn't compatible with the drinking fountains mod... )


but this made me very happy to see! XD Go Green!


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I have a question. Should I clean Update.esm and the three DLCs that way? I googled it and it seems I do need to clean the DLCs, but I'm not so sure about update.esm. Can cleaning a mod ever ruin things?

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I have a question. Should I clean Update.esm and the three DLCs that way? I googled it and it seems I do need to clean the DLCs, but I'm not so sure about update.esm. Can cleaning a mod ever ruin things?

Yes, you should clean the DLCs and the patch esm. No, proper cleaning using TES5Edit cannot break mods or destroy save games. You should clean each plugin only once, do not repeatedly clean plugins (pay attention if the author of the mod states in the readme that s/he has already cleaned the plugin). For the most part, you should clean only plugins flagged by BOSS as containing 'dirty edits.'

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