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How to save mods and transfer them using NMM


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I want to do a factory reset on my computer, but I want to save all my mods that I have installed on my nexus mod manager to a usb or something so I can easily just put them back when my pc is back on. Is there a way to do this?

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Providing the mods you've installed have been installed via NMM and not loose files (manually placed files without NMM) then yes it's rather straight forward.


Simply navigate to the folder that you've designated as NMMs download folder and copy all the mod files to an external source. Once you have your pc "reset" then once Skyrim and NMM are back up and running, copy the backed up files into NMMs download directory. When you then run NMM it'll recognise the mods but not neccessarily put them into the correct categories. To get them organised there's a button in NMM to get missing mod info / updates (something like that) - run it and it'll scan and organise things. You may need to restart NMM after this so it's totally happy.


Don't forget which mods you have installed during your last save game file use as if you want to resume that save then it'll be looking for .esp and .esm based mods. Perhaps take a screen capture or two of your NMM mod list so you don't forget what to reinstall.


If you did happen to install a mod without NMM then it'll obviously be up to you to find and backup any relevant files.


Ultimately (and probably obviously) you'll want to restore absolutely everything back to how you have it before the reset so the game doesn't notice any changes.

Edited by LargeStyle
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