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Troubleshooting a Math/Value over-run when Enchanting....


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Hey y'all...

Anyone help with Troubleshooting a Enchantment Problem?


Using Community Uncapper allows for huge potions values e.g. Enhanced Enchanting 500%...etc..


As the potions get stronger, the Damage Values increase, but at some point(depending on one's Enchanting Skill and other variables) the displayed values start over...

So when I use a potion with that large of a boost and have 100 + skill in Enchanting, the Weapons I enchant show a low Damage Value.


I suspect the Damage value limit is set for three digits,(999 max), and if the final value is higher it starts the Displayed Value at 0 again...


If that's the case, how can I confirm what the actual Damage Value is or how it's being calculated?


Is there a way to see how much Damage (in a numeric value) is done?


Even better, does anyone know a way to add more digits to the Displayed Value in the items description/stats box? Is there a mod that does this already?



Edited by yruapita
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Hey y'all...

Anyone help with Troubleshooting a Enchantment Problem?



... just dropped my coffee over my keyboard





Okaaaayyy... if this is sarcasm or your version of humor, I (obviously) dont get it...Just here trying to solve a mod issue, not get a bunch of opinions/jokes/satire/etc...that don't help resolve the issue... have fun cleaning the keyboard...

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