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Is my pc powerful enough for ENB?


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I was just wondering if there is any point in trying to download ENBs for Skyrim on my PC. I'm relatively new to the PC world and I have no clue whatsoever if my computer can run all the mods n stuff. Here are the specs:


Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q 9550


CPU Speed 2.8 GHz


ATI Radeon HD 4850 (Video Memory 512 MB)


RAM 4.1 GB


Over 250 GB free space









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That really depends on what preset you will use, if you were planning on downloading one of those.
My old system had an 8 year old processor, 3GB of RAM, and a GTX 550 Ti, and I could run a few different ones. But others would cause my game to run at about one frame every ten seconds, or would give me weird effects.

To be completely honest, I'm probably not the best person to answer this question since I didn't use ENB too much.

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Well some ENB's come with Performance options ( for example: Project ENB ) next to all out visual candy... so you have some room.

If it's not powerful enough for ENB, you might wanna look into this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37846/ ... that's something similar to ENB (post processor) but lighter for your system. Works together with a lighting mod ( Realistic Lighting Overhaul ) that has no impact on performance. I think it costs only about 10-15% FPS, while ENB starts at about 15% to as high as 60% FPS loss.

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I've used the mod prod linked to and I can say its a good alternative.

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