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a story


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this is a good story


I went into this cave called ashinabi. it is located near gnisis

when i went in it was pretty easy at firstbut i went into tyhe room called smugglers den when i went in i levitated over some water and then i fought a mother :ranting: , the mother :ranting: cast a spell that gave me something like blight(i dont know how) so i had :nazgul: come to her. so i had to drop some of my useless stuff. there was also tyhis black in that room. he was smart and didnt attack me but i killed him with three of my creatures anyway. then i stole some stuff. i decided to leave so i could get healed but to move i had to drink skooma and stuff like that to raise my strength i eventually ran out so i dropped some stuff

the a mother :ranting: few diseased nix hound attacked me and i got black heart blight. so i could only carry 38 pounds so i dropped everything but my sword and i went to the gnisis temple to get healed

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