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Unable to export facegen data?


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I'm working on some mods for a few NPC's and later will probably make a custom NPC. I do get the dark face bug when editing my NPC's and the only way that I've seen after some extensive research of the issue is that you have to select the NPC in the object window, hit CTRL + F4 to export face data and then wait till it says done, then hit OK. Then the data is supposed to be found in Data/Textures/actors/charachter/FaceGenData/FaceTint/YourPlugin.esp AND Data/Meshes/actors/charachter/facegendata/facegeom/YourPlugin.esp (where "Your Plugin" is the name of your mod).


Problem is that after exporting face gen data many many times, it does not seem to work. I don't know if it is saving it somewhere else or something, but no matter how many times I actually export the data, it never shows up.


This seems to be the only thing standing between me and the custom NPC's I want.


Any help would be appreciated.

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You can't select the NPCs and export properly from the main 'Actors' category of the Object Window in the CK. Expand the tree to Actors -> Actor -> Actor -> The race of the NPC you're looking for, and then select the NPC and hit Ctrl+F4 from the more specific category. Using too broad of a category seems not to work for some people. Making the category more specific is the only fix I know of.

Edited by Rennn
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You can't select the NPCs and export properly from the main 'Actors' category of the Object Window in the CK. Expand the tree to Actors -> Actor -> Actor -> The race of the NPC you're looking for, and then select the NPC and hit Ctrl+F4 from the more specific category. Using too broad of a category seems not to work for some people. Making the category more specific is the only fix I know of.


I've done that also. I expanded the tree as far as it would go. Actors > Actor > Actor > ArgonianRace > Male. I then selected Derkeethus (the NPC I'm modding) and hit CTRL + F4, waited for a sec, CK said it was done, and I hit OK.


Went to the area in my data folder and still no facegen data.

Edited by Cerberus5123
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Huh. Is there a reason you spelled character (charachter) incorrectly, or is that simply a typo in the post and not something wrong with your folder structure?


Also, have you tested these NPCs in game, or are you just not seeing the files in the folders? If you don't change the face or hair, you don't need to export the facegen data.


If your NPC uses a template, they may be randomly generated, and in that case they wouldn't need a fix, and you couldn't export the facegen data.


And finally, have you saved the mod, shut down the CK, restarted the CK, and tried again? Sometimes you need to restart the CK after making an NPC in order for the export to work correctly.

Edited by Rennn
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Yea, that was a typo.


I've changed the eyes (because Derkeethus's eyes freak me out) and a feature or 2 of the face like the hair and one of the argonina stripes, or whatever it is.


As a paranoid habit of mine, I always shut down the CK and restart it when I make major changes, so I don't think that's the problem.

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After a bit more fidling, and backtracking on some save files (gf 3 levels and 2 quests) I managed to get the face the way I want it and actually have it appear that way in game. Huzzah!


The only problem is, there is a teeny tiny seam between the neck/body which is very aggravating. It looks like this.




My research earlier showed that some people also got this error, and that "setnpcweight XX" was suppost to solve the problem. Well I tried it and it did solve the problem! But it also changed the face color (again), but it did keep the eyes. It looks like this.




Is exporting the facegendata suppose to make it so that when I do set the weight it will keep the same face? ARGH. This is irritating. :s

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I've changed up his face a bit more (including the tint and other things), but for some reason the CK just wont export the face data. I've uninstalled/reinstalled the CK and nothing I do will make it so the CK will export the face gen data even though it says that it does it.


Does anyone have any kind of solution for this?

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I haven't used the CK in a few months, but last time I did this I had to convert my mod into a master file. From .esp to .esm. Then I Ctrl+F4 my character, without needing to expand everything. Then I had to convert my mod to an .esp again. Maybe I'll mess with it again and see what's up. What an annoying bug.



I also read somewhere, maybe here, that closing and reopening the CK may work. I'm going to try that too.


Confirmed: Without turning my esp into a master file, I just closed and reopened and CK, did the same thing (CTRL+f4) and my facegen data popped up suddenly, where before it hadn't. Don't know why it doesn't work the first time. Ah well, at least ive got a matching face. Good luck, hope this helped.

Edited by yougetagoldstar
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