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Skyrim Lag


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Hello, I tried to play Skyrim in internet cafe last month and it worked fine in ultra with 4 gb ram.

But my specs are:

CPU: Intel® Core i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz

CPU Speed: 2.2 GHz Performance Rated at: 6.05 GHz

RAM: 8.1 GB

OSMicrosoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

Video Card: Intel® HD Graphics Family

Video RAM 4.0 GB

and Skyrim's option detector says medium quality would be ok but it lags even in it.

Anyone knows why or what should be done?

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Well most definatly your videocard that needs a upgrade here. Everywhere I look I see people complaining about trying to run Skyrim using Intel HD Graphics Family. At best you will be able to get away with a decent FPS when running everything in Low.

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Sorry I don't use radeon, so I am not of great use. I know that with Nvida you can go into the control panel and force specific drivers for specific games. There is probably something similar in theRadeon control panel, I am just not familiar with it.

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