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Fix for flickering mountains?


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I've been having a weird glitch for a while, I ignored it for a long time, but I somehow fixed it, then unfixed, and can't figure out what I did, or if I even actually did anything.


But basically, what sort of trick do I have to do so that the mountains (or thew fog around them) don't flicker/figit when I move. If I hold perfectly still, it doesn't do it, but if I go to walking, they start figiting like crazy and it's VERY distracting. I tried searching "mountain" in the nexus, but came up with no luck. =[



This mod claimed to fix it, but sadly, did not.


Edited by ArtMurder
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I have the dreaded z-fighting glitch and it can't be fixed, but only hidden with ini tweaks i'm afraid. It certainly is immersion breaking..

Edited by Thor.
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The issue is Z-fighting, but I personally haven't attempted to fix this myself. I've just done a quick google search and found a YouTube video which seems to have multiple fix methods in its description - perhaps give them a go?



Thanks for that link, it seems that I had my fNearDistance set to 3, I set it back to the default 15, and the flickering appears to have stopped! It was MUCH worse then it was in that video, so any effect at all on it is awesome! ^_^

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