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CTD right after the Bethesda logo.


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Skyrim crashes before i even get to the main menu. I see the Bethesda logo, then a small glimpse of the Skyrim logo before everything crumbles.

Everything was working perfectly yesterday. Clearing the PC from background processes was of no use. I've tried uninstalling all the mods that i installed since yesterday, but that ddnt help. Tried updating my other mods and SKSE, still no result. Tried running BOSS and checking the load order, but no result there either, though i did remove some conflicts the crash is still there.

I have no active quest mods or any of those big city changes mods, nothing that would qualify as heavy.


Can anyone help me? Think of something else that could be causing this or some magic fix with unicorns and bunnies?

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Crashes at logo are typically caused by load order or missing master file issues.

I suggest you go through all of your mods, reread them to make sure that you have all the prerequisites (and the correct versions to play with your game/DLCs) and then read the BOSS log and fix all of the messages, including proper hand placement of mods that BOSS does not recognize. You might also double check the mod pages for load order info--BOSS is great but not perfect, and the mod author may have specific instructions for load order,e specially when using compatibility patches or the like.


If none of that works, post your BOSS log text file (Copy/paste into post) and other relevant info.

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After using BOSS to order your plugins, load all of your plugins TES5Edit. If TES5Edit stops loading and bounces an error message, the plugin that halts the loading and causes the error is the one that is missing a (or more) master.

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Thanks guys! My ReProccer.esp was above SkyRe_main.esp, i had accidentaly installed a version of "Modular Alchemy Tweaks" that required Hearthfire (wich i dont have) and i had a Winter is Coming patch above the main file.


I wonder by what miracle my Skyrim was running before lol.


You're awesome.

Edited by Isphus
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