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UNP vs CBBE & clothing mods


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Good day all. I've searched the forums a bit on this subject but didn't find anything I was looking for.


My 2 questions are...


1) CBBE or UNP female bodies? Which one is superior? Your thoughts...


2) I have been running CBBE for quite a while now, and I already had a good clothing replacer mod installed. What I'd like to know is, if everyone ends up telling me that UNP is better than CBBE, what clothing replacer mod do I get?


Please feel free to add links for my viewing pleasure. Also, please keep things civil. Please no rants.


Thanks a ton in advance, Defender

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CBBE and UNP are both of equal quality. The difference is UNP is marginally more realistic, and CBBE is marginally more porn star-esque.

There are other body mods as well, btw.

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CBBE and it's clothing mods are more ridiculous and over the top, and "to the extreme"


UNP is more realistic, but has some pretty over the top options, if you are so inclined.


I personally go with UNP, because the clothing for it is much higher quality. Most CBBE clothing looks like Oblivion clothing, overly shiny and fake looking... Like it was molded out of cheap plastic or something.


UNP has a "full clothing replacer" just like CBBE, that replaces all vanilla clothing. UNP also has much better exclusive in my opinion.


CBBE does have more sexy and extremely skimpy clothing, but UNP does not lack in this category.


I use to use CBBE as my main female body mod, but now I stick with UNPBBP. There is also a mod that allows you to VERY easily install UNPBBP, the BBP mods for CBBE is much harder to install, if I am correct.

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I usually just stay with whichever body type has the strongest looking realistic females. At the moment, that's Prometheus. One positive factor to Prometheus is that it doesn't require a clothing replacer since it matches the vanilla bodies in shape. It has flaws, but imo the nude option is still preferrable to having the more popular replacers (which are generally less realistic).

NSFW link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7198/?



Once it leaves alpha, however, Calyps' and Nuska's Heroic Female Body could easily replace Prometheus for me. It looks higher quality with a better mesh. I'd need to make a new grittier texture, but that's easy enough.

NSFW link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34213/?

Edited by Rennn
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CBBE and it's clothing mods are more ridiculous and over the top, and "to the extreme"


UNP is more realistic, but has some pretty over the top options, if you are so inclined.


I personally go with UNP, because the clothing for it is much higher quality. Most CBBE clothing looks like Oblivion clothing, overly shiny and fake looking... Like it was molded out of cheap plastic or something.


UNP has a "full clothing replacer" just like CBBE, that replaces all vanilla clothing. UNP also has much better exclusive in my opinion.


CBBE does have more sexy and extremely skimpy clothing, but UNP does not lack in this category.


I use to use CBBE as my main female body mod, but now I stick with UNPBBP. There is also a mod that allows you to VERY easily install UNPBBP, the BBP mods for CBBE is much harder to install, if I am correct.


So, Art, and anyone else that wants too, can you provide a couple links to the body mod as well as any good or interesting clothing mods?


Thanks, Defender

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