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Some Mod Idea's


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Hey everyone, as you've probably seen one or two of my previous posts I like to Think of Mod idea's, I get some pictures from Google to show what I mean to hopefully help out All you great mod makers with some new inspiration to help you create new mods that hopefully havent been seen before,


Here is a List of Pictures I think would look cool in the Falloutverse.


Missile Pistol:http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/2213/k4wv.png


Some sort of Power Armor:



Quad Barrelled Pistol:http://imageshack.us/a/img543/1368/jwzt.gif


Quad Barrelled Shotgun:http://imageshack.us/a/img560/8651/w5m.jpg


New Style of Minigun:http://imageshack.us/a/img594/6757/acem.jpg

Edit: For this last picture you could even Flip the gun and move the handle grip to create a New M249 Saw with 4 barrels for that Extra punch :)


Let me know what you think of the idea's :smile:

Edited by TheFalloutExplorer
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That top one is the BioShock grenade launcher I recently posted in mod requests hoping someone might make it into a nuka grenade launcher albeit you edited out all the small concept art showing the grenades etc. That quad barrel shotgun should be an easy nifskope'd weapon well easy for someone who knows what they are doing lol.


Good luck,


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Someone is working on that power armor or something like it. Release date is TBD.


That power armor and gun actually to be released in a Fallout New Vegas mod.


The other guns especially the mini gun looks awesome.

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