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Stormcloak / Imperial, neither seem to care who you are?


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Decided to join the Stormcloaks, did the quest to join, and was granted Stormcloak identity. I now thought this would mean that half the map was hostile and would require some thought, but nope...the Imperials dont seem to give a monkey that im a stormcloak??


Whats the deal here?

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Some of the main quest NPCs (mostly Jarls and Housecarls, plus a few commanders/guards) insult you if you pick the opposite side. That's about it. You're not attacked by default unless you get a mod for it.

Personally, I use a mod that makes Imperials or Stormcloaks attack me depending on if I'm wearing the other faction's armor.

Edited by Rennn
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There's a mod that was released about a month or two ago called "Civil War Overhaul". Not only does it cause aggression with the opposite faction(but also with the main cities of each faction, Windhelm and Solitude) but it completely overhauls the entire Civil War including NPC ai, adds sieges to ALL holds that you're fighting for, adds variety to the armies, and so on. It's worth a try,and it'll help with your complaint for sure.

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