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Mod will not uninstall...


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I installed Autosave Manager last week, and while it's a good mod, it has some problems that I can't live with. The author has been absent from forums for several months, so at the moment, he can't assist me.


I installed the mod via NMM. When I went to uninstall, I checked the MCM menu to make sure there was no "disable" or "prepare to uninstall" set up- there was none. So I saved, logged out, and used NMM to uninstall. When I returned to the game, the mod was still in my MCM, but it's menu was empty.


I did a fresh save in an indoor cell, and left the game, then went to NMM and my game folder to see if I could find any fragments that hadn't been deleted. Could find none. Rebooted the game... and it was still there. And now Urag Gro Shub is frozen in the T position, though all other NPCs are fine.


Apart from Urag's frozen position, I could live with the empty MCM entry, since it's not actually doing anything now. But I've tried to install Dynamic Time, to replace it, and that mod will not appear in my MCM. I suspect the problem I'm having with Autosave Manager is to blame, but I can't find a solution.


Any help would be appreciated!



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I think this problem is SkyUI related and not Autosave Manager...


Do this;


-Uncheck SkyUI and all mods that rely on SkyUI in your load order, start the game using SKSE launcher

-Open your save game, go into interior cell, wait >5 seconds (should be enough to let all scripts finish properly)

-Save & Exit

-Check SkyUI in load order

-Open game again with SKSE and check SkyUI / MCM menu if all looks OK in game, save & exit

-Check all mods again that you previously unchecked in your load order

-Start game and check again...



Hope this works.

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Thanks for the quick reply- but I managed to trick it into behaving with another tactic. I re-installed Autosave Manager, but with an earlier version, (loaded the game, saved,) then UNinstalled... and it uninstalled correctly this time. :D If the problem recurs, I'll give your method a try. (But I admit, it would be hard. I have a LOT of MCM mods!)

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Hard part is to reconfigure all those MCM mods again after you have disabled them on your save (all settings will reset in them) :biggrin:


So take that into account... if you have a lot of MCM mods that have 10's or 100's of settings (I have a few) a simple disable/enable action can result in 3 days of tweaking settings :P so... write down or screenshot your MCM mod configurations before you disable any of them if need be!.... I should of mentioned that before :wink:

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