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[LOD] Increase object density in far away


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One of the first things you will notice when regenerating LOD is, many many many assets do not have any LOD meshes and thus won't appear in the LOD at all. Also, some objects like trees might have a lod mesh that doesn't really fit with their "full" model.


The way it works is, an object can basically have 3 (or was it 4? 0 to 3 I think...) lod meshes assigned, they will be used for different lod levels. It's also possible to have the NIF itself contain LOD meshes and alternatively you can use the regular mesh for LOD with the IsFullLOD flag (which won't work if there are any LOD meshes assigned). If you investigate, you will find that -apart from those that have none at all- many objects have LOD meshes for level 0, 1, and maybe 2 defined but 3 is empty. So on the lowest level of detail (LOD32) the object will not appear at all (no level 3 mesh). I was very much surprised to find out that the overpasses do *not* have a level 4 mesh assigned in general. So on the lowest level of detail, the overpasses won't be visible. Which is weird because you could probably see these structures from space...


What xLODGen then does is, it weaves new NIFs from all the lod meshes and terrain. 4x4 cells, 8x8 cells, 16x16 cells, 32x32 cells. They are literally huge NIFs, but with low detail. The game then appears to blend these together to create the different levels of detail, based on how far something is from the player, and uses them as background for unloaded (far away) areas.


Thus, if you want moar dense LOD, you can try 1) assigning the same meshes to higher LOD levels on each object and 2) creating LOD meshes for objects that don't have any LOD yet. There are also resources like NeuraLOD that provide improved or extended object coverage.

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