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Can't log into neither nexus or NMM!


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Hi, I'm writing this off public library.


Strangely, at my home I can't log into nexus or NMM. I have tried using my labtop, use different internet browser, clear cookies, change user account, registry cleanup, changing DNS, and none of these worked.


It's almost been a week since then, and when I updated NMM, it corrupted my downloaded mods and I can't even play Skyrim now. :ohdear:


I don't remember ever violating any forum rules.... Could anyone help me please? I really want to play!

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Since you are able to login and post on another machine and location, it would appear the problem is with your home equipment. There is nothing anyone here can do anything about. You should try contacting your Internet Service Provider for assistance.

Edited by M48A5
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yup, and see if your firewall at home is setup right... perhaps you're just blocking it, or it has "Intelligently" blocked it for you to make your life miserable. Perhaps your ISP was like "no, no, no, this 50TB / month bandwidth is gotta stop!" but since it's just login, I doubt it.


While you're at it, would be a good idea to start some malware scanning.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can log in to Nexus Forums but cannot log in to Nexus Mods.


I do not have an ad blocker and my privacy settings allow NMM and Nexus. Firewall permissions set for Skyrim on Steam, NMM, and SKSE which all work as configured.


I reset my password and the new password works with Nexus Forums but not Nexus Mods. I also tried downloading the MOD update reported in NMM v4.1, but even using NMM I still cannot log in to Nexus MODs so the download is prohibited, reported as "not logged in".

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