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FaceGen Data and Vex (Riften Thief)


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I am able to adjust each and every NPC in the game and everything works fine except for Vex (female thief in Riften, but I guess you know). For some odd reason her head stays in a different color as her body.... I have literally tried each and every option I know that can be done through the CK but it simply will not solve it.


I know how to edit and change NPCs, I have so far done about 500 of them, and none of them have issues.


So I wonder, is there anything about Vex that is stopping it to work well, or if anyone ever encountered this behavior using CK (be it with Vex or anyone else)? It's a bit annoying :\


There's nothing in my load order that does anything to Vex, except this one.


I have checked everything in textures/meshes, removed files related to the NPC, redid it from scratch, try in separate esp, tried with different settings, removed tint masks from the equation completely, tried to use the normal vanilla body (using UNP by default) and nothing. The weird thing is that it's ONLY Vex... all other NPCs work just fine... I even redid one to check, and it works fine. There's gotta be something I'm overlooking with Vex specifically.


If anyone would be willing to try out editing Vex's face in their game and doing this together with adjusting her weight slider (you have to start a new game for this...) I would be grateful... I just like to know if it's something, somewhere on my system, or if the behavior can be reproduced on other systems as well and it's pointless for me to keep trying to fix it, and I should just let Vex be Vex.



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No, nothing usefull.
I had the same problem two days ago installing the 'ApachiiSkyHair NPC Overhaul by Spewed - Female Only Version' and 'ApachiiSkyHair NPC Overhaul by Spewed - Human Female Only Version'. Every second character got the grey faces.

I then installed all the textures he suggested and provided ('Color Mismatch Fix for Elven races' and 'Color Mismatch Fix for Humans and Bretons'). It helped on the faces, but the forehead on every second character suddenly had a miscmasch. Some where red, some green and some just pale.

I had to remove the mod, although I found it great.

The grey face problem occoured yesterday when I was fiddling with my Yzolda character. I wanted the face of Lisette.

I did it before, and the first time I did it the hard way and wrote down Lisettes face codes manually, and then inserted them in Yzoldas character, because I couldn't find her face code in the list (I was dumb. Yzolda is a Nord Race). But it worked fine. There was no neck gap. I played with her for a long time.

Last night I wanted her to have a new Apachii hair style. I was sitting for a while and looking at the different option and found out Lisette was a Breton Race. So, I grabbed her facecode for Yzolda and a new hair style. And I got the face gap and grey face...

Fiddling with it today I did what seemed logical: I had to strech the graphics to cover this gap. The only way I could do this was to increase her weight.

I changed her body to Breton race, moved the weight bar to the top (100) and scaled it to 1,20. The neck gap is gone.

My suspicion is that it is the sizing of the textures that matters. If you have a grey face it is because 'it does not get the same amount of light' as the rest of the body because it is a diffent size? The measurements have to be exactly the same as the rest of the body I think. But how to accomplis that manually?
Maybe is you fiddle a bit with the size of her head in the NPC Editor? I solve mine today in connection with my face gap problem.


I can't really see the difference in her weight. It looks the same to me.

Before (with neck gap and grey face):

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1516_neckgap_zps0a15a2e2.jpg http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1526_neckgap_zps53a6b1e4.jpg

After (no neck gap, more weight and no grey face):

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1575_fixedneckgap_zps7b65063a.jpg http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1538_fixedneckgap_zpsc657ec0c.jpg http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1545_fixedneckgap_zps7d2f3cef.jpg

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Thanks for the reply...

A grey face you can fix easy in CK :) You need the facegen data exported... if the characters have red forehead, you need to tweak interpolation settings in CK (makeup, mainly causes it, it's a CK bug)...



I tried on Vex to play with weights and so on, but it didn't help, and it works on all other characters except Vex...

It really starts to look like Vex is someone it wont work on for some reason :S

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Yes, they do make the armors with parts of skin. Looks awful some times. It also keeps you from using mods like CBEE properly.
But then again, if the armor should fit any model/character it would probably bee too big a task.

Glad to hear you found a solution.

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