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how to get custom armor into skyre


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Hi everybody,

after asking a question in this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1032920-skyre-character-almost-invincible-npc-hardly-doing-any-dmg/page-2

i have decided to put this little project into its own thread.

to sum things up i am using skyre 99.23 along with balbor and steelsouls reproccer.

I would also like to use the "Bosmer armour pack" and/or the "Armor of Intrigue". The problem that I am having is that the Reproccer recognizes them as "Leather" armor and they are therefore pretty much useless for anything other than looking good (and they DO look good.). So far I have gathered that this has something to do with the armor material they are labbeled under. And that I would have to change something in the Mod and in the stat.xml used by the Reproccer.


And this is where I start now.


My thoughts so far... and feel free to correct me if I am wrong.



Basically I could just use Tes5edit to manually change the armour value of each item. But I think I would have to do that again and again every time I run the reproccer.


So the second-easiest thing to do would find out the integer value for another armor material (e.g. Glass) and use Tes5edit to change the value in the original plugin (to keep things easy let's only talk about the ArmorOfIntrigue.esp). But that would probably mess up the whole crafting as well.


So what I would like to try is to create a new material in the stats.xml an use this new one for the new armor.



As far as I understand it from looking at the stats.xml a new material needs a definition:

	<sMaterialName>Armor of Intrigue</sMaterialName>

and sometimes an override (this is where I am not sure at all).


So how do I get the Reproccer to use this new definition for the corresponding set of armor?

Do I have to insert it into the orginial plugin? And what would I need to put in as a keyword?


Thanks for any thoughts on this.




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First of all, is it leather armor, or is it leather armor with the strength of glass? You can perfectly fine make lether armor with the strength of whatever you want, using reproccer. If you really do want the armor to use different materials for it's calculation of base armor and so on, that can be done too, but the simplest way is just tell ReProccer to change the armor value for that particular armor...

  1. Open the mod in tes5edit
  2. Open stats.xml in wordpad
  3. Check in tes5edit under "armor" the name of the armor, and the values... is it light armor, heavy armor? should be corrected if wrong or it will react to the wrong perks. Assuming this is all correct in tes5edit then you go into stats.xml and scroll down to the armor section where you'll find the armor materials
  4. Check a comparable armor (that armor should be equal to Glass armor strength right? Then go check out Glass armor (search the file for glass I suppose). There you can see the iArmor value connected to it, you'll need it.
  5. Now go find yourself a neat place where you wanna place your bosmer armor in the list... that's not gonna be hard, anywhere between the other armor_materials will do
  6. Copy-paste clean entries in a list like this;
    	<iArmor>iArmor value from Glass armor goes here</iArmor>
    	<iArmor>iArmor value from Glass armor goes here</iArmor>
    	<iArmor>iArmor value from Glass armor goes here</iArmor>
    ...etc, how many you need you can view in tes5edit.
  7. Now simply place the name of the armor as it is in tes5edit (the Full Name entry) between the sMaterialName... and continue to the next, and next and next until you have added all the Bosmer entries you want to run through the ReProccer (basically; helm, cuircass, gloves, boots) and when done;

  8. Save the file, close tes5edit, run ReProccer... wait for it to finish... when done - open ReProccer.esp in tes5edit and check what it has done to the Bosmer armor... If not good, off balance to your liking, then simply edit to your hearth's content in Stats.xml... just note that perks are not calculated, so it's the base strength youll see... you're best off comparing it to an armor which you know, and evaluating how much stronger or weaker it should be.


If the armor material is leather and you want it to be glass, you'll have to do a lot more than this. But if you just wanna change the armor value to be more end-game capable, the above should be sufficient.


Edit: if something doesn't come out right, lemme know... there's a thing or two that can be setup wrong differently in the armor causing it not to be processed correctly by ReProccer... If you wanna check if the calculation is done right, then just check in Stats.xml the multipliers and your used iArmor value on a piece... eg on Bosmer Cuirass check value after fArmorFactorCuirass in stats.xml and multiply it with your used iArmor... that should be the armor value in Reproccer.esp for that particular armor piece.

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